Information about the humanity of everyone involved in the production of SOLIT and
those who have purchased limited edition products is available here!
Traceability as we see it
Nowadays, the world is touting the importance of "traceability," in which companies disclose information such as the place of production, production methods, and how much impact they have on the environment. In the near future, more detailed information on the nationality, gender, age, and past history of producers will also be disclosed, and it may become commonplace for consumers to make purchasing decisions based on such transparency.
While we believe that information summarized in its quantitative and clear language should exist for "clarity," we also believe that some information may be left out when evaluated and categorized according to certain criteria.
So we wondered what would be the ideal state of traceability in the "all-inclusive" future we are aiming for.
As a sample, we have decided to publish a collection of information that is more personal, more tactile, and more difficult to clearly judge, unlike conventional public information. The decision-making criteria are not based on some predetermined standard or sense of value, but rather on the viewer's own criteria for a purchase experience that begins with "empathy".
- What if the person in charge of raw material processing and your favorite musician were the same?
- What if you could find a common denominator in the way the production management staff spends their days off?
- What if I want to support the dream that the sales representative sets forth?
What we usually hesitate to purchase due to unconscious biases such as "because the country of production is here" can be freed from such biases by being exposed to the various human qualities behind the product. Wouldn't it be nice to have such information disclosure?
We made your clothes
We made SOLIT's clothes!
- RMP Project model -
In addition to viewing the personal information of producers, we are building a mechanism to connect producers and buyers by utilizing Web 3.0 technology, a decentralized Internet based on blockchain technology.
POP-UP SHOP:The products will be available for purchase at the pop-up store to be held from March 3 (Fri.) to 5 (Sun.), or at a later date through the website of SOLIT!
Price:10,000yes(without tax)
オリジナルシャツの購入者限定で回答いただくアンケート結果を元に、生産者と購入者がブロックチェーン技術を用いたWEB3.0プラットフォーム「Final Chain」を通して特設ウェブサイト上でつながります。生産者の方々のパーソナル情報に触れ、購入者の方々は誰に共感したのか。是非ご覧ください。
SOLIT Oxford Shirts - RMP Project Model -
Supported by
SOLITのトレーサビリティを実現するにあたり、パナソニック社内のデザインスタジオ FUTURE LIFE FACTORYと一緒に考え、つくりました。
パナソニック株式会社 デザイン本部FUTURE LIFE FACTORY
FUTURE LIFE FACTORYは、「これからの豊かなくらしとは何か」を問い直し、具現化していくパナソニックのデザインスタジオ。従来の常識にとらわれない発想で、新規事業の種や未来のくらしのビジョンを世に問いかけています。 -
株式会社マッキャンエリクソン / マッキャンアルファ
株式会社Final Aim(Final Aim, Inc.)
Final Aimは、デザインとデジタル製造業領域を中心にWeb3.0事業をグローバルに展開し、2021年11月には自社のブロックチェーンプラットフォーム「Final Chain」のベータ版を発表しました。
創立51年目を迎える株式会社パラゴンのTVCM、グラフィック制作で培ってきたクリエイティブ力を活かし、「逸品」「模範」「鑑」を意味 する“paragon” の精神のもと、デジタル領域でも、他にはないモノづくりに力を注ぎます。