
A day to think about an all-inclusive society
Disability, sexuality, age, nationality, skin color, eye color...
Each of us is a completely different being.

And yet, we are still categorized somehow,
And yet, we are categorized somehow, and sometimes we are defined as "who we are".

Instead, we are diverse people who are diverse as we are,
We believe that the ideal is for diverse people to be able to live their lives as they are.

And not only human beings,
and coexist with animals, plants, and the global environment.

To realize such an all-inclusive society,
SOLIT will be launched in 2019, and this year marks its second year.

Thank you very much for your support.
And we look forward to working with you in the future.




01. / Message from a SOLIT wearer 


I learned that there are people who have many different thoughts and feelings about even a single piece of clothing that is necessary for daily life, and I feel that there are perspectives in clothing, food, and shelter that we are not yet aware of. (Anonymous)


You actually look good in your SOLIT clothes!!!! I was so happy to be told that I looked so cool in that dress! I was so happy to hear that! (Maybe the silhouette looked better because I can order in a size that fits me) (Anonymous)


I enjoyed bragging to people about how they are made and how easy they are to take on and off. (Anonymous)


I am now able to naturally listen to the wishes of my patients and patients in charge of their outfits and fashions during rehabilitation. (Anonymous)


Thank you for the many other survey responses!
All of our staff members read all of them. We hope you will continue to send us your surveys and comments on social networking sites!


02. /2nd anniversary sticker ・ Tenugui hand towel


Only those who attend the SOLIT 2nd anniversary event will receive a sticker featuring an illustration by illustrator Hitohisa Isogai!

The two large flowers signifying the 2nd anniversary include the people who wear SOLIT clothes and that they are also diverse.


03. / SHAKE YOURSELF AWAKE(2nd anniversary event)


 On the occasion of our 2nd anniversary, we will hold an event on Saturday, September 17, 2022, to thank all of our valued customers for their continued support.

The concept of the event is "Shake yourself awake.

Through the SOLIT 2nd anniversary event, we are planning an event that will inspire you to take action toward the ideal all-inclusive future that each of you envisions.

日時 2022.09.17 (Sat)
時間 10:00-17:30
(LEARNINGTIME 10:30, 11:30, 14:00, 15:30)
会場 渋谷 フラクタ(FRACTA)
〒150-0031 東京都渋谷区桜丘町22-14 N.E.Sビル S5F



04. / organic cotton100% Aurora Tee

Aurora Teeを着用した二人

Until now, SOLIT items have been "seasonless," meaning that we have developed garments that are not restricted by the seasons, but we want something that can be worn more casually, not only in the summer, but also on a daily basis, as a statement of support for the SOLIT philosophy! We received many requests for something that could be worn more casually, not only in the summer, but also on a daily basis, as a statement of support for the SOLIT philosophy.

Therefore, SOLIT is releasing the new "Aurora Tee," a shirt made of 100% organic cotton from Bangladesh with reflectors that glow in the Aurora Borealis produced in Fukui Prefecture, for both comfort and safety.

Aurora Tee purchasers will receive a limited edition SOLIT sticker as a gift.

SOLIT limited stickers will be given to all Aurora Tee purchasers on a first-come, first-served basis. Please take advantage of this opportunity!



05. / Let's look back at SOLIT's two years!


SOLIT has grown thanks to your support and encouragement, so let's look back at the past two years of SOLIT together!

SOLIT's 2years and future >