
SOLITでは、国境を超えて様々な国にお住まいの方と一緒に、多様な人も地球環境も考慮されたAll inclusiveな世界を目指していきたいと考えています!



第1地帯 第2地帯 第3地帯 第4地帯 第5地帯 
中国・韓国・台湾 アジア(
オセアニア・カナダ・メキシコ・中近東・ヨーロッパ 米国(グアム等海外領土含む) 中南米(メキシコを除く)・アフリカ
¥2,800- ¥3,850- ¥5,550- ¥6,600- ¥6,600-






For overseas residents (People living outside Japan)

SOLIT would like to work with people living in different countries across borders to create an ””all‐inclusive” world where both people of diverse backgrounds and environment on this planet are well respected. 

You do not have to be in Japan to purchase SOLIT products : they can be sent to any country where EMS is available. Please check the table below for area and shipping costs.

First Zone

Second Zone

Third Zone

Fourth Zone

Fifth Zone

China, South Korea, Taiwan

Asia (excluding China, South Korea, Taiwan)

Oceania, Canada, Mexico, Middle East, Europe

U.S. (including Guam and other U.S. territories)

Central and South America (excluding Mexico), Africa






List of Countries and Areas (JAPAN POST)

The maximum number of items that can be ordered at one time is "3"; if you wish to purchase more than 3 items, please divide your order into multiple purchases.

【About customs charges】

Please note that the customer is responsible for any customs charges incurred.